Author Archives: Laura Latimer

About Laura Latimer

artist, traveler, collector based in Austin, Texas USA

2017 East Austin Studio Tour

New work, including a site-specific sculptural installation, will be featured in two group exhibitions during the 2017 East Austin Studio Tour.

Dimension Gallery, Stop 181
979 Springdale Road #99, Austin 78702
November 25-December 9, open during tour hours and on Saturdays, 12-5 pm

Exhibition contemplating the modes of consumption for visual art. Small works by 19 artists are packaged to mimic retail presentation.

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Art at the Station
Springdale Station, Stop 182
979 Springdale Road #160, Austin 78702
November 11-19, open each weekend during studio tour hours

Artists Moya and Colin McIntyre host an exhibition of painting and sculpture. Guests include: Rebecca Bennett, Jenn Hassin, Laura Latimer, and Shea Little with dance performance by Kelsey Oliver and Hunter Sturgis, accompanied by Aundre Wesley.