Author Archives: Laura Latimer

About Laura Latimer

artist, traveler, collector based in Austin, Texas USA

Thereafter at Cloud Tree Studios & Gallery

installation detail of Thereafter by Laura Latimer

We repeatedly hear the warnings of environmental catastrophe due to loss of habitat,
pollution, and climate change. Less often, do we discuss what may happen afterwards.
Will the natural world simply cease to exist, as apocalyptic scenarios imply; will it eventually regenerate in a recognizable form; or will it experience some manner of unnatural evolution?

THEREAFTER considers humankind’s footprint and weird ways our detritus could serve as means for survival. Recycled materials and masses of components create a landscape that references: over-exploitation of resources, remnants of unbridled construction, and potential for biological growth that at first feels familiar yet is quite strange.

August 31-September 16, 2017
Cloud Tree Studios & Gallery
3411 East 5th Street • Austin, TX 78702 (map)